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AI directory Acrylic


Custom AR artwork for home decor.

What is it

Acrylic is an AI-powered website that uses Typedream to revolutionize the process of creating and purchasing personalized paintings.

Key Features

  • AI-powered painting creation: Utilize artificial intelligence technology to create personalized and unique artwork.
  • Augmented reality (AR) staging: Preview paintings in your own home using AR to ensure a perfect fit.
  • High-quality images and affordable canvas paintings: Transform digital images into actual paintings at an affordable price.


  • Personalize your living spaces with unique and custom-made artwork that matches your style.
  • Unleash your creativity and create paintings that reflect your individuality and artistic vision.
  • Effortlessly create and purchase personalized paintings with Acrylic's exceptional AI-powered platform.


  • May require some technical skills to use effectively.
  • Availability of certain features may vary depending on location.


Acrylic is an exceptional platform that empowers users to create and acquire personalized paintings conveniently. Its advanced AI capabilities, AR technology, and accessible pricing make it a compelling choice for art enthusiasts and home decorators alike.

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